Category: Services


Veterinary Compounding

Veterinarians can prescribe antibiotics and medications, and when the available drug options are appropriate for your pet’s condition, compound medications can help provide the medicine


Pediatric Compounding

Compounding pharmacies aren’t just for adults. Due to our ability to customize the creation of your medication, we’re able to specially design compounds suitable to


Pain Management Compounding

As the most common symptom for patients seeking medical help, chronic pain affects over 20% of the adult population, with more than half of those


Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ’s What is compounding? Compounding is the process of combining, mixing, and altering two or more ingredients to create a medication customized to the patient’s


PCAB Accreditation

Corona Specialty Pharmacy is an accredited compounding pharmacy.  This accreditation is voluntary, and requires adherence to the highest industry standards for quality and safety. The


BHRT (hormone replacement) Compounding

Hormone-related conditions affect millions of people daily, and when those fluctuations begin to change your health and quality of life, hormone replacement therapy is an